Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pride that we can report to you that the Principal, teachers, and in particular the graduating class of 2006 has made a supreme effort in attaining a one hundred percent pass rate. Again! Congratulations to every one of our teaching staff who gave, and continue to give the children 110 percent of their effort. They care deeply about the children, and in their turn the students absorb the curriculum as though they were little sponges. It is clear to the Principal and teachers that such dedication is justified when such outstanding results are achieved.
The class of 2005, our first graduating class also produced a 100% pass rate. Some people wondered whether that was an isolated result. The class of 2006 has confirmed that the results of last year were not just beginner’s luck, and that this will always be our goal.
In other developments during the year, the long-held dream of bringing electricity to the village of Gouria was finally realised. The school was the first to be connected, and in the fullness of time the entire village will be brought into the modern age of electrical power. We have previously reported on this significant step forward, but once again we thank all who were instrumental in achieving this start.
The immediate benefit of electricity will be the establishment of a mill to process the grains by machine. Presently, this is a time consuming manual job that take hours of hard labour. The funds have been made available, and we take this opportunity to thank our generous donor for making this possible.
One of the next major projects to receive our focus will be the realization of a source of clean and sustainable water. We are under no illusions, this will be a very difficult task, but we are convinced that the water is there in underground pools and rivers.
The school has been enjoying the benefit of a VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) individual in the person of the dynamic Ms. Suzy King. Periodically, Suzy does a report directly to our sponsors, and we are grateful for such first-hand information. We recognize her complete commitment and Malima has grown as a result of her input.
She has now been joined by another VSO volunteer in the person of Mr. Alex Free, a sports coordinator. It has been one of the top-of-the list wishes on the part of the principal and the Parent-Teachers Association to make certain that Malima has a strong sports programme. So, we welcome Mr. Free and wish him well.
From a financial management standpoint, many world governments should pay attention to the outstanding fiscal responsibility and capability evidenced by the director and his staff. Just as a reminder of the system in place: to avoid a situation where the receiving cashier is also the paying cashier, sponsors’ funds are paid into the account of our Trustees, Consejo Interhospitalario de Cooperacion, and these funds are released based upon a working budget and a pre-determined payment timetable. Once the funds have been spent in Cameroon, a report, with material receipts are sent back to The Support Group. Once again, the year ended within budget. We commend the Principal/Director for his exemplary fiduciary management.
Infant mortality is the greatest problem confronting the very young in Africa. The second greatest challenge for those who survive is “The Failure to Thrive Syndrome.” This arises due to the obstacles of poverty, lack of resources in some cases, but generally through lack of knowledge. As part of the adult education programme, Malima would like to sponsor a pilot programme taking at least ten of the most eligible women in the village to teach them about proper nutritional values using available resources. The hope is that they will spread their knowledge and growing experience throughout the region.
Two other developments are having, and will have a significant effect upon the Malima Project. The first is that one of the parents of a sponsoring child made a personal visit to the school to see for himself the work-in-progress. He is Mr. David Wilkins, now a member of the Malima Support Group, (007) and a world traveller in his own right.
Secondly, the previous owner/director of Newton College, a staunch supporter has made an extended visit to the school. As a senior educator the school will turn an important corner as a result of her management input. Consequently, this will be an opportunity for Malima to go from strength-to-strength.
The light of a bright future for Malima now glows with even greater intensity!
The Malima Support Group
In Spain, The Malima Support Group are the liaison between sponsors and the Malima Primary School Director/Principal and the Parent-Teachers Association, who are known as AMALGOU, “Association Malima de Gouria.”.
The primary concerns of the MSG are fundraising, communications, and acting as a Steering Committee to keep Malima along a growth track that will help it to maintain its place as the model school in the Extreme North of Cameroon.
The members of the MSG are as follows:
Judith Burnett, Founder, Educator
Joan Garfield, Educator and retired School Head
Maria Teresa Pomares Salceda, retired Educator, School Head and School owner
Lynne Hunt, Educator
Anna Reilly, Educator
Frank Reilly, Computer Specialist
David Wilkins, Lecturer, Writer, Adventurer
Eugene Carmichael, Accountant, Writer, Consultant
Contact information:
Aptdo 168
46183, L'Eliana
e-mail; eugene.spain@gmail.com
Mail address:
Aptdo 168
46183 L’Eliana
e-mail : lynne@malima-project.org