Located in the village of Gouria,
in the Mandara Mountains of
The Extreme North, Cameroon
West Africa, home to the proud Kapsiki Peoples.
This blog is a companion to the official website, http://www.malima-project.org/, which is at present undergoing a revamp. We shall keep readers up to date with the current happenings at the school and in the village of Gouria through this blog while the revamp process takes place of the official website. It will also be an integral part of our ongoing communications network. You are encouraged to send in your comments and questions as we would be delighted to develop a dialog with you.
The Malima Project is one of the great success stories to come out of Africa in recent times. It started as the dream of one individual, and like all great works it always starts in the mind and concept of one person. Judith Burnett, a teacher at Cambridge House Community College, Rocafort, Valencia, Spain dreamed one day of creating her own school in a needy part of the world, so when the plea to bring education to the children of the forgotten village of Gouria fell on her ears, the message was right and the person was receptive.
Starting with a one room school house the school has grown to its present size accommodating over 200 students, with another 100 in the kindergarten awaiting to join in the main stream of education. Rarely is so much hunger for education demonstrated, and it is a joy to see the children take full advantage of the opportunity placed before them. These students do not take it for granted, and they seem to realise, perhaps even more than Western children that the way forward is through education.
From time to time we will broadcast an invitation to you to be a part of this success story in appeals for your financial help. You can be assured that your funds will be used in their entirety as advertised.
We thank you for your interest and your support.
The Malima Support Group
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