The Malima Project has received the best news of all. The fabulous touring SKA Band, "The Toasters" (http://www.toasters.org/), the most enduring of them all, 25 years on and still counting, has recognized the outstanding achievements of The Malima Project (TMP) be adopting TMP as their Official Charity.
This, we take as the greatest endorsement, and we are so encouraged by this development.
If we seem to be singing our own praises and blowing our own horn, this is not exactly correct, because the praise goes to those people who actually do the work. What those of us in the executive have got right are several things:
- Our basic funding comes from children outside Cameroon who learn from the children in Cameroon what it is like not to have the things that we take for granted.
- Our children therefore learn at an early age to care for others not as fortunate as themselves, something many adults never learn.
- From the very beginning, we insisted that the villagers of Gouria would have to be fully involved in whatever the Project was engaged in, because they had to help themselves. Those of us on the outside only provide the finance, the guidance, oversight and control. They have to provide the man/woman power. This they do superbly well, and in the process a great deal of outstanding progress has been made.
- Finally, the money that you donate is sent to Cameroon in full, except of course for banking/transfer charges. Administration expenses that arise here in Spain are funded through personal and corporate philantrophy. However, The Malima Project does not have any employees, it is a Not-for-Profit charity.
So, we especially welcome the generosity of "The Toasters", and we are very proud to be partners in our charitable endeavours. The beautiful music of "The Toasters" just became sweeter still.
Thanks Guys!
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